Founding of EAREF
East Africa Renewable Energy Associations (Burundi Renewable Energy Association-BUREA, Energy Private Developers-EPD Rwanda, Kenya Renewable Energy Association-KEREA, Tanzania Renewable Energy Association-TAREA and, Uganda Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Alliance-UNREEEA), under the East Africa Renewable Energy Partnership project financed by German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation (BMZ) through bfz gGmbH and Sequa, met in Kigali on 25th April, 2018 to launch East African Renewable Energy Federation (EAREF). EAREF will operate from Arusha, Tanzania. EAREF has been found with blessings of East Africa Community Energy Sectoral Ministrial Council. EAREF will work to realize the interest of EAC states in private sector perspective, promoting access to the modern sustainable renewable energy in the region.
The members of EAREF elected the interim Executive Committee consisting of: Eng. Matthew Matimbwi-Chairperson (TAREA), Eng. Edouard Ndayisaba-Vice Chairperson (EPD), Eng. Bernard Sembatya-Secretary (UNREEEA), Ms. Claire Nabagesera-Treasurer (UNREEEA), Eng. Theodore Kwigize-Member (BUREA) and Mr. Cliff Owiti-Member (KEREA
TAREA and AMS improved quality of Education in Malinyi
<p>Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA) and Associazione Microfinanza e Sviluppo Onlus (AMS) had been implementing the projects: (1) <em>Enlight your Education</em> and (2) <em>Allowing access to sustainable energy to rural low-income communities in Malinyi, Tanzania</em> supported by Autonomous Province of Trento (APT)-Italy and Waldensian Evangelical Church (WEC)-Italy, respectively. Projects were implemented as a single package and took 15 months. The projects were concluded in February, 2018.</p> <p>The project <em>Enlight your Education</em> had a specific objective to foster the distribution of green technologies a...</p>
TAREA advocacy on scaling up access to the sustainable energy technologies
TAREA has been working to advocate the Government of Tanzania in building enabling environment in scaling up access to the use of sustainable renewable energy technologies.
In the year 2017 TAREA continued with its efforts of advocating better environment of doing business and enabling access to the sustainable energy. It asked Government of Tanzania for removal of VATs on direct current water pumps to increase agricultural production through irrigation and solar lanterns for fishing to increase fish-catch and stimulate the increase of fish industrial processing. In addition, the effort has the impact of clean environment as the use of petrol water pumps and kerosene pressure lamps have a measurable impacts on the environment. On other hand the initiative will increase the business opportunities in renewable energy sector, agriculture and fish industry. Thanks to the Minister of Finance and Planning that received the requests and promised to consider them.
The other advocacy initiatives were: Meeting with National Environment Management Authority (NEMC) asking to develop the regulations on the battery wastes deposition, despite of TAREA being a business association, it is responsible for safe and clean environment; and The second agenda with NEMC was asking for the exemption of the solar mini-grid of the capacity up to 1MW on conducting Environmental Social Impact Assessment (ESIA).
TAREA Building Capacity of Tanzania District Councils
Tanzania energy sector is centralized at the national level. The structure of the Ministry of Energy not being represented at the district level has been one of the delaying factors of the efforts of accelerating access to the sustainable renewable energy as there is no contact persons at the lower level in the most of district councils.
TAREA cooperating with Tanzania Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH) started the initiatives of training planning human capacity of Regional Administration and Local Government Administration on renewable energy management.
Swedish International Development Agency (Sida) supported the training in the regions of Geita, Kagera, Kigoma and Tabora. Rural Energy Agency (REA) supported training in the regions of Katavi and Rukwa, and in 2017 Beruflichen Fortbildungszentren der Bayerischen Wirtschaft (bfz) gGmbH supported training in Mwanza region.
The aim is covering all regions of Tanzania Mainland.
The initiative will result:
- District councils having renewable energy contact persons for developers
- Mainstreaming the renewable technologies in the development plans
- Sustainability of installed renewable energy systems
- Renewable energy business scale up and
- Increased access to the sustainable renewable energy technologies.
TAREA is inviting more partners to support the initiative.
Promotion of renewable energy through school clubs in Manyara, Tanzania
<p>The Tanzania Renewable Energy Association is promoting renewable energy technologies in the districts of Babati and Simanjiro through school clubs with the support of the German NGO “URBIS Foundation”. </p> <p>In the two districts, the programme extends to 5 schools each.</p> <p>To ensure a high standard in these school clubs, 20 teachers coming from the benefitting schools have been trained specifically on the issue of renewable energies.</p> <p>The clubs will serve as a platform for awareness raising on the potential of renewable energies. The focus lies on the two technologies, photovoltaic and energy efficient...</p>