
Silver Institution Member









Media awareness on Pico solar standards and quality verified products

Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA) and Tanzania Bureau of Standards (TBS) in the month of February, 2019 are conducting media awareness to the importers, suppliers, retailers and end users on the enacted Tanzania Pico Solar Standards and how to procure quality verified solar products. Media that are used are radio and television stations.

The standards that were gazzeted in September, 2018 are TZS 1952-5-9:2017 and TZS 1951:2017 All standards are available at TBS.

TBS offers advise free of charge to importers on how to import quality verified solar products.

TAREA offers directives to the end users free of charge where to buy quality verified solar products.

Increasing employability of girls in southern Tanzania

TAREA in partnership with German NGO, URBIS Foundation, in the year 2019 will implement the project that is aiming at increasing employability of girls through solar photovoltaic technology.

TAREA will recruit 13 girls from the regions of Njombe and Ruvuma. Trainees will be trained on solar photovoltaic installation and maintenance. TAREA will provide working tools to the trainees to help them start making earning. Girls will also be trained on skills of accessing market. TAREA will support trained girls through linking them with solar retailers in the regions of Njombe and Ruvuma. Links will help girls to get contracts of doing solar installation and system maintenance.

SolarFinance4All in Malinyi and Kilombero Districts

Partners TAREA, Mazingira Onlus and Associazione Microfinanza e Sviluppo Onlus are implementing the project of enabling communities in Kilombero and Malinyi districts access solar photovoltaic energy. The project is implemented in the villages of Malinyi (Malinyi district) and Mang’ula (Kilombero district).

The project will enable the communities access solar technology through Village Cooperative Banks (VICOBAs). The project will enable the members of the VICOBAs through education and seed funding.

Thanks to the City of Trento-Italy for the financial contribution.

Solar energy-enabling girls education at Kipingo

Kipingo Secondary School is serving youth from Division of Malinyi. Some students coming afar from Malinyi had to hire rooms in the streets. Girls staying in the streets had resulted some girls dropping of due to the pregnancy. As intervention, Malinyi District Council constructed hostel for the girls, but the hostel had no electricity.

TAREA through the financial support of URBIS Foundation has installed solar photovoltaic system to electrify the hostel to improve living and learning environment. The solar plant 900W was commissioned in November, 2018.

Public education on quality verified products

<p>TAREA believes that education to the end users on quality verified products is the strongest tool in encouraging members of communities in adopting renewable energy technologies and removing solar photovoltaic substandard products in the supply chain.</p> <p><strong>SOLAR DAYS IN BUKOBA AND MBEYA</strong></p> <p>TAREA in corporation with associates of International Finance Corporation has conducted solar days in Bukoba and Mbeya, on 01.11.2018 and 24.11.2018, respectively. The events were financially supported by The World Bank. Solar Days were conducted in Bukoba and Mbeya to raise the awareness of the end users on the ...</p>

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