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TAREA Participates in Implementing Renewable Energy Training Program for Uganda

Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA) participates in the realization of the “Uganda Capacity Development Program for Renewable Energy” financed by Sida and implemented by LIFE Academy of Karlstad, Sweden. TAREA has been a partner of LIFE Academy in implementing training programs since 2013.

The main objective of the training program is to contribute to strengthening the conditions for investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency, with in-depth technical skills to provide modern and sustainable energy systems in Uganda. This includes all forms of renewable energy such as solar, wind, hydro, bio (including waste-to-energy) and geothermal energy. The Renewable Energy Program is thus expected to contribute to poverty reduction through increased access to affordable and reliable renewable energy and access to electricity for people living in poverty.

On-site training in Entebbe

25 energy experts in Uganda are participating in the training that runs from February 2022 to January 2023.

TAREA participates in another renewable energy training program implemented by the LIFE Academy “Global Capacity Development Programme on Renewable Energy” which consists of participants from Ethiopia, Kenya, Mozambique, Rwanda, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Uganda.

Renewable Energy Actors Dialogue with Banks on Unlocking Sector Financing in Mainland Tanzania

<p>TAREA in cooperation with Fraxen Consult Ltd conducted the dialogue between banks and the renewable energy entrepreneurs. The facilitation of the event was done with the financial contribution from C.S Mott Foundation.</p> <p>On 5th May 2022 renewable actors met the banks operating in Tanzania to dialogue on “unlocking renewable energy financing”. The dialogue attracted financial institutes of Cooperative Rural Development Bank (CRDB), Maendeleo Bank, Mwalimu Development Bank, Equity Bank, TIB Investment Bank and National Bank of Commerce (NBC). The meeting was proceeded by the Learning Event in whic...</p>

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TAREA Signs MoU with NABA

Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA) and the Norwegian African Business Association (NABA) signed a Memorandum of Understanding on 7th May 2022 to promote renewable energy collaboration between Norway and Tanzania.

The MoU aims to promote the energy collaboration through:

  1. Exchange of information related to renewable energy projects and developments in Tanzania and Norway;
  2. Providing each other with information about investment and cooperation opportunities in the renewable energy sector. The Parties will also assist in identifying business partners and investors;
  3. Exchanges of visits and research by delegations in both countries.
  4. Organizing training, seminars/webinars on matters about investment, trade development and technology and
  5. Provision of information about related companies and the introduction of legal and consulting services to each other.

The signing of the MoU was witnessed by the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Energy Eng. Felchesmi Mramba and Ambassador of Norway in Tanzania Her Excellency Ambassador Elizabeth Jacobsen.

Review of Energy Access Exlorer for Tanzania

Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA) has partnered with the World Resources Institute (WRI) to review and upgrade the Energy Access Explorer (EAE) for Tanzania.

The WRI developed the EAE but it has some gaps. The explorer will be updated and upgraded. The new product will show the current status of the mini-grids presented and additional data that will be proposed by the end-users. The process will involve all important renewable energy stakeholders. The stakeholders will be asked what data on renewable energy should be presented in the explorer.

The outcome of this work will be the availability of data to the actors who strive to increase access to sustainable modern energy.

TAREA will take the responsibility of updating the explorer by involving experts from the public and private sectors. To access the existing explorer, click here.

TAREA Partners Fraxen Consult to Unlock Renewable Energy Financing

Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA) has partnered with its member Fraxen Consult to unlock renewable energy financing in mainland Tanzania.

The common objective of the partnership is to promote energy financing from commercial banks, by creating an appetite for these financial institutions to lend to renewable energy companies/enterprises. This will be done by exposing the banks to a learning visit and a joint discussion with renewable energy companies.

Banks will have opportunities of visiting renewable energy power generation sites and agricultural enterprises that are using renewable energy for irrigation. Also, banks will visit the organization that is enabling the smallholder farmers to access renewable energy technologies for irrigation. The learning event will be conducted in the Iringa region.

After the site visits, there will be the Round Table Dialogue that will consist of 60 stakeholders from the banks, development partners, microfinance institutes, renewable energy companies, government officers, and renewable energy technology users.

Thanks to the C.S Mott Foundation for extending its contribution to the project.

2.4MW Wind Farm to be visited in Mufindi (Photo by Rift Valley Energy)