Solar Photovoltaic Plant Ensures Safe Motherhood at Mkomaindo District Hospital, Tanzania
<p>Mkomaindo District Hospital which is located in Masasi Town experiences frequent and long grid outages. The unreliability of the grid electricity supply resulted in challenges to Mkomaindo District Hospital in medical service provision. The maternity ward is one of the departments negatively affected by the grid outage when there is a need to take care of underweight-born children and when there is an obstructive case.</p> <p>Masasi Town Council in partnership with Landratsamt Enzkreis (German District) and Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA) installed a solar photovoltaic system in Decembe...</p>
Tanzania:Emmaberg Proves “No School Cold-Showers is Possible Using Solar Energy”
<p>Evangelical Lutheran Church in Tanzania (ELCT)-Southern Diocesan (SD) under the leadership of the Bishop Dr.-Rev George Fihavango owns Emmaberg Girls High School located in the outskirts of the town of Makambako in Njombe Region, Tanzania. The school enables needy girls to access secondary school to the advanced level.</p> <p>This article presents the integrated solar project developed to intervene in challenges of unreliable water supply, unavailability of hot water for showers and unavailability of lights in the dormitories when the national grid electricity failed. The project was realized in the ...</p>
<p>Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Technology is one of the technologies that enable off-grid communities in mainland Tanzania to access sustainable electricity. By 2020, solar has electrified 33% of mainland Tanzania households [United Republic of Tanzania, Rural Energy Agency: 2019/20 Energy Access and Use Situation Survey II Report, Tanzania Mainland].</p> <p>Among the electrified rural mainland Tanzania households only 10% rely on the national grid. 30% of mainland Tanzania households are still without access to electricity of any form [United Republic of Tanzania, National Bureau of Statistics: Impact of A...</p>
Tanzania to Join IRENA
<p>Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA) has been advocating for Tanzania to join international renewable energy organizations. Tanzania is already a member of the International Solar Energy Alliance (ISEA) with a head office in New Delhi, India. </p> <p>On 19.10.2023, TAREA representing mainland Tanzania's renewable energy private sector, participated in the stakeholders’ engagement meeting with the Tanzania Parliamentary Committee for Energy and Mines to present arguments as to why Tanzania has to join the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). The agenda was presented to the Committee...</p>
<p>Tumaini Lutheran Seminary (TLS) in Malinyi, Morogoro Region, which is owned by the Evangelical Lutheran Church-Tanzania, Ulanga Kilombero Diocese, offers secondary school education and Bible knowledge training. Secondary School has a high level of Form IV. It has already educated youth who are now serving the nations, to mention a few sectors: religion, engineering, medicine and financing. The Bible School trains Evangelists that are sent out to serve parishes. TLS is connected to the national grid.</p> <p>On the 12th of August 2023, Rotary Club-Airport Munich commissioned two solar p...</p>