TAREA is organized in different bodies.


The organization is being supervised by Eng. Prosper Magali  (Jul 2024- Jun 2027)

Annual General Meeting

As TAREA is a membership organization, the management of the organization is naturally depending on the members. The institution for this is the Annual General Meeting (AGM), which takes place once a year. Every member is invited to attend to participate in making high-level decisions. The AGM usually sees the presentation of outcomes and perspectives of TAREA work during the period since the last meeting. Furthermore, at the AGM, the Secretariat presents the Annual Financial Report and proposes a budget for the coming period, which then needs to be confirmed by the AGM. Furthermore, the participants of the Annual General Meeting are electing the Executive Committee and the Advisory Committee. These committees supervise and steer TAREA's actual activities throughout the year.

  • Election of Executive Committee 
  • Nominate one member for the Advisory Committee
  • Determination of general policies for TAREA
  • Consideration of Annual Report
  • Appoint auditors
  • Alternate and renew membership fees and other duties.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee (EC) is the superior institution for all TAREA activities. The board meets once in three months. The authority and responsibility for managing the affairs of the Association in conformity
with the Constitution and By-Laws shall be vested in the Executive Committee.
The EC is elected by the AGM every three years. There are regulations on election eligibility. Generally, every active member of TAREA, except a student member and member living outside Tanzania is eligible to become a member of the EC. For more information please download our constitution.

During these meetings, the following items are usually on the agenda:

  • Presentation of current activities by the Executive Secretary
  • Strategy development for planned or implemented activities
  • Preparation and presentation of reports and budgets

Members of the Executive Committee 2024-2027

1.0 Eng. Prosper Magali - Chairperson

2.0 Ms Brenda Kazimili - Vice-Chairperson

3.0 Ms. Cecilia Manu - Treasurer

4.0 Prof.-Eng. Cuthbert Kimambo - Member - Ex-Chairperson

5.0 Prof.-Eng. Geoffrey Reuben John - Member - Ex -Chairperson

6.0 Mr. Sisty Basil Massawe - Member

7.0 Eng. Finias Magessa - Member

8.0 Dr. Gerald Kafuku - Member

9.0 Ms. Rehema Mbalamwezi- Member

10.0 Dr.-Eng. Yusto Mugisha Yustas- Chairperson for TAREA Advisory Committee

11.0 Eng. Daniel Ngwenya- Member - Chairperson for TAREA Northern Zone Branch

12.0 Eng. Ellison Malyi - Member - Chairperson for TAREA Lake Victoria Zone Branch

13.0 Dr.-Ing. Matthew Josephat Matimbwi - Executive Secretary

14.0 Ms. Emma Laswai - Deputy Executive Secretary

Advisory Committee

The Executive Committee elects five members of the Advisory Committee (AC).  The Annual General Meeting elects one member and the Executive Secretary joins the committee due to his/her position in the association.
The responsibilities of the AC are:

  • Assist and advise the Executive Secretary and the Executive Committee on all matters about the realization of TAREA's mission, vision and objectives.
  • Assist and advise the Executive Secretary and the TAREA Secretariat on day-to-day administrative matters of the Association
  • Devise and implement strategies for increasing and sustaining membership levels
  • Support networking and information dissemination activities of the Association

Members of the Advisory Committee 2024-2027

1.0 Dr-Eng. Yusto Mugisha Yustas - Chairperson (Academics Representation)

2.0 Eng. Albina Minja - Secretary (Clean Cooking Sector Representation)

3.0 Eng. Emmanuel Michael Biririza - Member (Hydro/Geothermal/Green Hydrogen Sectors Representation)

4.0 Ms. Lena Drabig - Member (Wind Power Sector Representation)

5.0 Ms. Mercy Kitomari - Member (Electro Mobility Sector Representation)

6.0 Eng. Saidi Mbemba - Member (Solar Sector Representation)

7.0 Dr.-Ing. Matthew Matimbwi - Member (Association Executive Secretary)

8.0 Dr. Gerd-Henning Vogel - Invitee (Association Technical Advisor)

9.0 Ms. Emma Laswai - Invitee (Association Deputy Executive Secretary)