TAREA and AMS improved quality of Education in Malinyi
Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA) and Associazione Microfinanza e Sviluppo Onlus (AMS) had been implementing the projects: (1) Enlight your Education and (2) Allowing access to sustainable energy to rural low-income communities in Malinyi, Tanzania supported by Autonomous Province of Trento (APT)-Italy and Waldensian Evangelical Church (WEC)-Italy, respectively. Projects were implemented as a single package and took 15 months. The projects were concluded in February, 2018.
The project Enlight your Education had a specific objective to foster the distribution of green technologies and to improve the educational infrastructures in Malinyi through specific photovoltaic investments
Main project activities were:
(1) Infrastructural intervention - installation of photovoltaic systems in the major educational buildings (Kipingo and Malinyi Secondary Schools and Teachers Resource Centre)
(2) Improving skills and working conditions of teachers (installation of internet connectivity equipment at Teachers' Resource Centre)
(3) Cooperative of technicians for photovoltaic systems: start up and development
(Facilitation of registration, provide furnished office and modern working equipment).
The project Allowing access to sustainable energy to rural low-income communities in Malinyi, Tanzania had the specific objective to foster the distribution of green technologies and to improve the quality of life of the community of Malinyi through a microcredit initiative.
Main project activities were:
- Support the start up phase of a cooperative of solar technicians in the village of Malinyi;
- Provide financial education to Village Community Banks in the area of Malinyi;
- Set up and monitoring a microcredit fund (definition of rules/access/agreement with local economic actors).
TAREA and AMS will work to replicate the project to other communities.
The immediate effect of the project is that Malinyi Secondary School managed to send 5 students to the high secondary school in the year 2018 for the first time since it was found more than 6 years ago.