Public education on quality verified products
<p>TAREA believes that education to the end users on quality verified products is the strongest tool in encouraging members of communities in adopting renewable energy technologies and removing solar photovoltaic substandard products in the supply chain.</p> <p><strong>SOLAR DAYS IN BUKOBA AND MBEYA</strong></p> <p>TAREA in corporation with associates of International Finance Corporation has conducted solar days in Bukoba and Mbeya, on 01.11.2018 and 24.11.2018, respectively. The events were financially supported by The World Bank. Solar Days were conducted in Bukoba and Mbeya to raise the awareness of the end users on the ...</p>
30th October, 2018 Association of Association Executives with more than 15,000 members around the world with head office in United Kingdom nominated Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA) to the award of the Best Small Organization Conference in Africa. TAREA was honoured the award through its entry of “Renewable Energy Day in Kigoma 2017”.
Further, Matthew Josephat Matimbwi, Executive Secretary of TAREA, was nominated as Highly Commended Association Leader of the Year in his entry of “Advocacy on Tanzania Solar Energy Incentives”.
The awards were announced in the 25th Associations Congress that took place from 29 to 31 October, 2018 at International Convention Centre in Pretoria, South Africa.
Thanks to all individuals and state/non-state organizations that continue supporting works of TAREA. Details can be found at the link
Enabling Youth at Mang'ula to be self-employed
Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA) has been working with its partners to make Tanzanian youth to become self-employed using renewable energy technologies. TAREA has been training youth at artisan level on installation and maintenance of renewable energy systems and provide to them sets of working tools that they can start working for communities they live with just after the training.
The methodology of training and providing working tools has brought the following impacts: (1) Increased economic potential of the trained youth; (2) Increased adoption of the renewable energy technologies in the respective villages; (3) Increased quality of renewable energy technology service; and (4) Reduced rate of youth migration from rural to urban areas.
TAREA, in the week of 27-31.08.2018, in cooperation with Mazingira Onlus (Mang'ula) and Associazione Microfinanza e Sviluppo Onlus (Italy) through financial support of the Province of Trento (Italy), trained 6 young people from Mang'ula ward in Kilombero District on solar photovoltaic technology. The 6 youth were provided with high quality tools ready to start providing service and earn money.
Tanzania Government Adopts Solar PV for Transport Infrastructure
The United Republic of Tanzania has adopted solar photovoltaic technology for the transport infrastrure as it is realible technology for the electricity supply.
The Government of Tanzania is already using the solar photovoltaic technology in the following services, to mention few examples:
-Road lighting (Magufuli bridge in Ifakara);
-Street lighting (Streets of Dar es Salaam and Zanzibar);
-Marine light controls (Route Dar es Salaam to Zanzibar); and
-Road traffic light (Dar es Salaam, Arusha, Dodoma and Zanzibar).
Magufuli bridge in Ifakara lightened by solar electricity
URBIS Foundation to support student girls of Malinyi ward
Village of Malinyi, under the leadership of Mr. Kapanga Towegale Kiwanga, through TAREA has received the financial contribution from URBIS Foundation, Germany to implement the project “Enabling girls of Malinyi Division-Tanzania access quality education, and safe and good school living environment”.
The objective of the project is to enable girls at Kipingo Secondary School in Malinyi Division to access quality education through the provision of a safe living and learning. The installation of a photovoltaic system on the newly built girls’ dormitory will guarantee the availability of lighting, allowing girls to study even in the evenings. Moreover, the stay at the dormitory will become more attractive, preventing girls from staying in rented rooms in the local village, which has been the cause of a series of unwanted pregnancies and subsequent school drop-outs. Not only will TAREA install the solar photovoltaic system, but also educate students and teachers on the proper use of the system to ensure a sustainable usage.