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Energy Learning Event for the Tanzania Parliamentary Energy and Minerals Committee

<p>Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA) in cooperation with African Mini Grids Developers Association (AMDA) through financial support of <a href=""><strong>Swedish International Development Agency (Sida)</strong></a>, conducted event of <strong>energy learning</strong> from 8th to 15th November, 2019 to the: Parliamentary Energy and Minerals Committee; Ministry of Energy; National Environment Management Council (NEMC); Electricity and Water Utility Regulatory Authority (EWURA); Rural Energy Agency (REA); Regional Administration and Local Governments (RALG); and Tanzania Electricity Company (TANESCO) with the aim of sensitizing the law...</p>

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Power Providers Company Ltd, a Member of Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA) commissioned 68kWp solar photovoltaic pumping plant at Kibidula near Mafinga Township, Iringa region in Tanzania.

The solar water pumping station consists of 216315Wp modules powering 230kW pumps. The system pumps 1.5 million litres of water per day from a dam to a reservoir 50 vertical meters above the dam. Water flows by gravity to irrigate a privately owned avocado plantation. The plantation is owned by the Seventh Day Adventist Church with strong connections with the local community, especially with regards to the provision of education.

Power Providers has shown the way in using solar photovoltaic technology for commercial irrigation, contributing to the realization of the target of Tanzania becoming an industrial country by 2025.


United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has installed the largest operating solar photovoltaic plant by June, 2019 at the offices of United Nations in Dar es Salaam.

The system is of the capacity of 226.2kWp (325Wp*696modules) installed by TAREA member Baraka Solar Specialists Ltd.

The installation at the UN Offices in the city of Dar es Salaam was inaugurated by Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Energy Dr. Hamisi Hassan Mwinyimvua on 1st July, 2019. TAREA thanks Government of Tanzania for supporting development of renewable energy technologies.

Tanzania to connect to the grid solar and wind power 2019/20

During the reading of the Ministry of Energy Budget for the year 2019-2020 on 28.5.2019 in Dodoma, Minister for Energy, United Republic of Tanzania, Hon. Dr. Medard Kalemani stated the position of the government on renewable energy. 3 TAREA representatives were in the House when the Hon. Minister was reading the speech. Underneath were the areas of renewable energy pointed out: 1) 150MW solar farm to go on-grid by December, 2020 2) 200MW wind farm to go on-grid by December, 2020

Further, Hon. Minister reported to the House that: 1) In the year 2018/19 there was an increase of distributed solar systems at 10MW; 2) In year 2019/20 a total of 7.7MW renewable energy mini grids will be commissioned. Mini hydro projects that will be commissioned are: Lugarawa in Ludewa (1.7MW); Maguta in Kilolo (1.2MW); Luponde in Njombe (1.0MW); Suma in Rungwe (1.4). One wind power project, Mwenga in Mufindi (2.4MW) will be commissioned; and 3) Last but not least, Hon. Minister declared the government continuing cooperating with private sector in promoting access to the modern sustainable renewable energy as renewable energy is the key in realizing SE4ALL action plan in Tanzania.

Co-generation proves productive in Tanzania

Biomass is one of the sources of renewable energy that is used for lighting, heating and electricity generation.

Sugar and forestry industries in Tanzania use solid waste biomass for electricity generation.

Very good example is Tanganyika Plantation Company (TPC) in Moshi that uses bagasse for electricity generation of the capacity 9MW.

The electricity generated by TPC is used for: sugar production (sugarcane growing and factory; offices; staff houses and community services like hospital and schools. In addition, TPC feeds 3MW to the national grid.

TPC produces every year more than 1milion tons of sugar consumed by the local market.