Solar Photovoltaic Plant Ensures Safe Motherhood at Mkomaindo District Hospital, Tanzania

Mkomaindo District Hospital which is located in Masasi Town experiences frequent and long grid outages. The unreliability of the grid electricity supply resulted in challenges to Mkomaindo District Hospital in medical service provision. The maternity ward is one of the departments negatively affected by the grid outage when there is a need to take care of underweight-born children and when there is an obstructive case.

Masasi Town Council in partnership with Landratsamt Enzkreis (German District) and Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA) installed a solar photovoltaic system in December 2024 for the maternity ward at Mkomaindo District Hospital. The installed solar system consists of a solar array of 13.75 kWp; a battery of 86.4 kWh; and a combi inverter of 12kVA.


The availability of solar photovoltaic electricity for the maternity ward will ensure safe motherhood in Masasi District as Mkomaindo District Hospital is still a strategic health facility in the district.

Properly using solar photovoltaic electricity is one of the strategies for sustaining solar photovoltaic plants. Tanzania Renewable Energy Association (TAREA), in cooperation with Masasi Town Council, conducted a training session on best practices for using solar photovoltaic electricity for the 25 maternity ward staff of Mkomaindo District Hospital in December 2024. The training enabled the staff members to understand the basics of a solar photovoltaic system, the limits of loading the system, and what to do when the solar system's electricity goes off.


The maternity ward was installed with the energy management appliances of photocell switches and motion sensors. Motion sensors were installed in areas like changing rooms, stores and toilets where light is not needed for extended time, but most forgot to be switched off.

Motion Sensor.png

Some members of the staff own private solar home systems. They witnessed the training to benefit their families.

Thanks to the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development for financial support through Engagement Global gGmbH and Landratsamt Enzkreis.