Public education on quality verified products
TAREA believes that education to the end users on quality verified products is the strongest tool in encouraging members of communities in adopting renewable energy technologies and removing solar photovoltaic substandard products in the supply chain.
TAREA in corporation with associates of International Finance Corporation has conducted solar days in Bukoba and Mbeya, on 01.11.2018 and 24.11.2018, respectively. The events were financially supported by The World Bank. Solar Days were conducted in Bukoba and Mbeya to raise the awareness of the end users on the procurement of quality verified pico-solar products.
The awareness activities (public open air education and radio talks) were accompanied by the quality verified pico-solar products demonstrations and sales.
All events were honoured by the Government leaders at the district level.
SOLAR DAYS IN MASASI DISTRICT TAREA in cooperation with Masasi District Council, Masasi Town Council and Enzkreis Landratsamt conducted 3 events of solar days in Masasi District in December, 2018. The events aimed at educating villagers on: the potentials of solar energy; and how to buy quality solar products; and sensitizing on the roles of caring solar systems installed at the dispensaries.
Solar days were conducted at the villages of Chikolopola (15.12.2018), Nanyindwa (16.12.2018) and Chisegu (18.12.2018).
The events consisted of education and entertainments (football matches and music). During the education, there were quiz-sessions and winner received rewards of quality verified solar products. Football teams were granted sport wear and quality balls. The winners of the football challenges were rewarded goats.
The events were honoured by District Commissioner-Masasi, Council Chairpersons, District and Town Executive Directors, Council members of staff and Ward Executive Officers.
The events were financially contributed by The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) through Global Engagement.