TAREA Works to Sustain Employability of Informal Trained Renewable Energy Artisans

In the year 2015, Tanzania Electricity and Water Regulatory Authority (EWURA) enacted the electricity law that requires all electricity installers to hold a license from the authority. The requirements to qualify for applying for the license did not allow the informal trained renewable energy artisans to obtain the license. TAREA advocated EWURA to review the law that it could offer the opportunity to informal trained renewable energy artisans of accessing the license. EWURA reviewed the electricity law on installation in the year 2019.

Still, the informal trained renewable energy artisans had to hold at least the certificates from the Vocation Education and Training Authority (VETA). It is luck that VETA is conducting the program of Recognition of Prior Learning Assessment (RPLA) through which the informally trained artisans get recognized.

TAREA is working with VETA to develop the tools for accreditation in April and May 2021. Once the tools are in place, renewable energy artisans, most of them trained informally will have the opportunity to earn a certificate from VETA and apply for the electricity installation license.

Once the accreditation program for renewable energy artisans operates, TAREA will inform members of the public.

Since VETA does not have a fiscal training program for renewable energy artisans, TAREA and members will continue training renewable energy artisans.

Accreditation of renewable energy artisans will ensure sustainability of the employment and company business operations.

TAREA thanks the German Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), through bfz gGmbH and Sequa for providing financial support.