TAREA conducts various programs to provide education in the RE field.

  • ​Internship program with TAREA

    There are always opportunities for university/college students and graduates to work with TAREA as interns. This work would depend on the current work situation at the TAREA Secretariat, Corporate Members and Partners, and be matched with the preferences of the interns. It is advisable for foreign interns coming to Tanzania for the first time, to plan for the internship of at least 3 months. The intern from outside Tanzania must organize for the appropriate work permit and finance for to meet living costs (health insurance, meals, accommodation and transport). No intern will be allowed to work using a tourist visa. TAREA has already hosted international students from KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden) and Ernst-Abbe-Hochschule Jena  (Germany).

    TAREA will advise the intern in procuring all necessary papers and a place to live.

    Interns working at TAREA must follow all Tanzania social and labour relations.

    International and local interns who want to practice at the construction/installation sites will need to procure safety gear (workshop boot, overall, reflector wear, and hard hat).

    If you are interested in working with TAREA, please, contact the Secretariat.

  • RENewable Energy Volunteers

    In 2008, a new volunteer program started. The program has been run in cooperation with the German-Tanzanian Partnership (DTP), URBIS Foundation, South-North initiatives and the City of Hamburg.  

    The project aims to offer young Tanzanians the opportunity to gain practical experience and entrepreneurship knowledge on renewable energies. It is hoped that with the knowledge gained from their work as volunteers, they will have an easier start either in their own business or into work within the sector.  The interns are recruited from Vocational Training Centres and high-learning institutions that offer renewable energy-related subjects.

    Volunteers are placed at TAREA Headquarters.